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We will co-create with you a gorgeous book with an ISBN under the Wild Rising Press imprint.
Our process is to meet together, discuss your book and make sure we have covered all our bases and then provide you with an estimate. To come up with an estimate, we need to know the following information.

Thank you for considering Wild Rising Press to be your publisher!
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  • Manuscript

    Tell us a bit more…

    • What is the genre of your book?
    • How many pages (in Word) is the mss?
    • If poetry, how many poems are you considering?

    We need a small sample of your work to make an estimate.

  • Book Genre

    Is your book a …

    • Children's Picture Book?
    • Standard layout (no images)?
    • Complex layout (with images, how many?)
    • In color or black and white?

    • Does it have footnotes or endnotes?
    • Print book, ebook or both?
  • Cover

    What ideas do you have in mind?

    • Is your book a soft or hard cover book?
    • Do you have an image in mind for the cover? If so, are you the artist, or are you in touch with the artist?

Hybrid Book Publishing

Your book will be available for you to purchase at the Author’s Rate on Amazon, and may be ordered by bookstores, libraries, and conferences via Ingram Spark. We do not participate in your sales: all money accrues to you!

Let us become part of your TEAM and produce your book!
Reach out to discuss your book